New MEMS Vacuum Sensor Evaluation Kit | 黑森爾電子
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New MEMS Vacuum Sensor Evaluation Kit

Technology Cover
發佈日期: 2022-03-01, Pontiac Coil Inc.

    Posifa Technologies has released an evaluation kit for its PVC4000 series digital MEMS Pirani vacuum Sensor, which promises to disrupt the portable vacuum gauge market by promoting low-cost, easily replaceable sensor probes, The sensor probe can be switched without recalibrating the vacuum gauge itself because all calibration data is stored in the probe itself

    The PVC4000EVK evaluation package enables Oems to quickly test drive the company's MEMS vacuum sensing technology for digital vacuum gauges and related applications. The kit includes a PVC4000 transducer packaged in a brass case with 1/4 SAE male horn fitting or a KF16 fitting in a stainless steel case, enabling it to be installed in any vacuum environment for rapid evaluation. The sensors in the kit are calibrated and produce a digital output in microns. The suite's PC-based diagnostic software gives users access to a variety of sensor readings and configuration data stored in sensors.

    Peng Tu, President and CEO of Posifa Technologies, said: "Using the PVC4000EVK, vacuum gauge OEMs can learn within an hour what our digital Pirani vacuum sensor technology can do, helping them to offer their customers more flexible and versatile end products, This builds brand loyalty.”

    The sensors included in the evaluation package are calibrated to a vacuum range between 1 micron and 760,000 micron. Through the sensor's digital I²C interface, the user can access the sensor's original output and calibrated vacuum readings. The kit contains a custom harness that connects the sensor and I²C to a USB adapter board, enabling the user to read sensor data from a PC in minutes.
